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What is Grow in Chess?

Grow in Chess is an Institute that aims to build your Chess Career from the scratch with efforts in the right direction. GiC’s goal is to guide you to get better at the game you love.

Is chess more of a logical or intuitive game?

It depends on the player. Some rely purely on logic and principles, others just *see* the moves. Both these aspects are extremely important pillars of the game. One cannot differentiate between them. In chess, they both go hand in hand!

What is the best age to start playing chess?

In our experience children start learning the basics around 4 years of age. But usually 5-6 is the age when they can be taught a bit more and maybe get started with professional training.

I'm an amateur who has about 1 hour per day to spend on chess. What is the best way to do it?

Study Annotated Chess Classics and solve tactics for 20-30 minutes.

What is the best way to prepare for a tournament?

Diagnose your main weaknesses and fix them. Sometimes it’s about dealing with health issues. Sometimes you have to find the motivation to perform well. If you are tired of chess, you may want to rest for a few days and feel the desire to play again. When being rusty (after not playing for a few months/years) a few training games or even lots of blitz may be handy. And so on.

How important is the role of a parent? What can I do to help my child's progress in chess?

As a parent you can play with your child to develop the interest and confidence in the game. You could be a mentor to motivate your child by narrating a few inspiring stories and events. Purchase relevant Chess Material for individual practice at home. Mainly, do not become a Result-Oriented Parent. Focus on the quality and not only the outcome. If you maintain this approach, your kid shall follow!

Who was the first female player to become GM?

Nona Gaprindashvili, the legendary Women World Champion, received that title in 1978 for her achievements. Another Women World Champion, Maia Chiburdanidze, met the official requirements for becoming a GM in 1988.

Should I play stronger players to improve?

Yes, playing reasonably stronger (100-200 ELO points) opponents allows one to learn something new without getting mercilessly crushed every time. Facing too strong or too weak opponents is not that productive.

How many hours a day should one study chess?

You can study chess as much as your time schedule permits. Make sure you take small refreshment breaks after 4-5 hours.
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